Aero-Mod – biological treatment of municipal wastewater using clarification, nutrient removal, aeration, filtration and solids dewatering.
- “Sequox” BNR Process
- Compact Belt Filter Press
- Sludge Bag Dewatering
Applied Cartridge Systems – arsenic (& other contaminants) removal.
- Modular Cartridge Systems with Filter Media for Arsenic, Trace Metals, PFAS, Etc.
- Customizable Skids of Small Cartridges with Bulk Media
- Improved Filtration for Various Regulatory Requirements
Aqua-Aerobic – aeration & mixing, biological processes, filtration, membranes and disinfection.
- Floating Surface Aerators and Mixers
- SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactors)
- AquaDisk Cloth Media Filter and Traveling Bridge Cloth Filters
- Nereda® Aerobic Granular Sludge System
- Ozone Generation
AquaPyr – A cloth media filter, with ultra low waste, used for primary and tertiary filtration.
ariaFILTRA – membrane solutions for municipal water treatment applications.
- Microfiltration (MF) ARIA Membranes
- Drinking Water
- Water Reuse
- Desalination

World Water Works Arxtera – integrating sustainable and renewable water solutions.
Global leaders in process intensification, Arxtera has industry leading experience and technologies to provide cutting edge process intensification and expertise. From migrating carriers to densified activated sludge, Arxtera has a solution to get the most out of existing infrastructure, reduce footprint, and lower operational cost.
- miGrate™ – Migrating Carrier Technology
- inDense™ – Densified Activated Sludge Technology
- AvN™ – Aeration Control Strategy
- Biocos™ – Greenfield SBR with Migrating Carriers, Densified Activated Sludge, and Aeration Control
- miGrate™ + inDense™
- miGrate™ + AvN™
- miGrage™ + inDense™ + AvN™
Assmann Tanks – plastic and polyethylene chemical storage tanks.
ATEC Systems – filtration solutions for iron and manganese in municipal systems and offer solutions aimed at addressing common contaminants in systems large and small.
- Iron and Manganese
- Arsenic
- Chromium and Chromium-6
- Boron
- Nitrates
Atlas Polar – trash rake systems.
- Intake Trash and Screen Rakes (Hydrorake and Hydrobrush)
BCR Environmental – transforming biosolids and organic waste management.
- Neutralizer Class A/EQ Residuals Treatment System
- CleanB is BCR’s Patented Class B Residuals Treatment Solution
- BIO-SCRU® Biosolids Drying to “Class A” PFRP
- ELECTRIC-SCRU® Electrically Heated, Indirect Screw Processor
- HOLO-SCRU® Indirect Heating or Cooling
BDP Industries – thickening, dewatering, and composting equipment across the U.S. and worldwide.
- Belt Presses
- Screw Presses
- Gravity Belt Thickeners
- Composting Equipment
- Biodrying Equipment
Borger – rotary lobe pump and chopping units for pumping low to highly viscous and abrasive media.
- Rotary Lobe Pumps (Scum, Grease, and Sludge)
- Macerating Units
- Stainless Steel Tanks
Brentwood – scalable, efficient water clarification and biological treatment solutions.
- Fixed-Film Biological Treatment
- Polychem Sludge Collectors
- SedVac Sludge and Grit Removal
- Tube Settlers
Chemco Systems – bulk chemical storage handling and feed systems for air and water pollution control.
- Bulk Chemical Storage Handling and Feed Systems
- Ammonia Systems
- Hydrated Lime Systems
- Limestone Grinding Systems
- Powder Activated Carbon Systems
- Quicklime Slacking Systems
- Recycle Ash Systems
- Soda Ash Systems
Clean Methane Systems – biogas conditioning systems.
- Conditioning and Recouping Waste Stream Biogas; Including:
- Chilling
- Compressing
- Removal Of Sulfur, Carbon Dioxide, and Siloxane
CleanTek – screening, dewatering, decanting, and conveying.
Cleanwater1 – dry and liquid polymer blending systems.
Liquid Polymer Solutions
- Polyblend® Mechanical Mixing
- Dynablend™ Hydraulic Mixing
- Miniblend™
Dry Polymer Solutions
- Polyblend®DP Mechanical Mixing
- DynaJet® Pneumatic Conveyance
Daniel Mechanical – air pollution control systems and corrosion resistant air exhaust and collection systems.
- Biotrickling Filter (BTF) Odor Control Systems
- Fiberglass Pipe
- Fiberglass Ductwork
- Fiberglass Dampers
- Fiberglass Tanks
- Carbon Adsorption Odor Control Systems
- Chemical Scrubber Systems
- Degassifiers/Decarbonators
De Nora – disinfection technologies for drinking water applications.
On-Site Hypochlorite Generators:
- ClorTec® -Generate 0.8% Hypochlorite On-Site Using Only Salt, Water, and Electricity
- MIOX® – 0.45% Hypochlorite Based Mixed Oxidants Generated On-Site from Delivered Salt for Enhanced Performance
- CECHLO® – Generate Up To 12.5% Hypochlorite Concentration with the CECHLO On-Site Generator
Ozone, UV And AOP Systems:
- Capital Controls® Ozone AOP – Ozone Generators Produce a Powerful Oxidant to Enhance Your Treatment Process and Address Contaminants Chlorine Alone Cannot
- Capital Controls® UV AOP Systems – UV for Residual Free Control or for Advanced Oxidation Processes
Dutchland Precast – circular, rectangular, elliptical, and custom pre-cast, post-tensioned concrete structures for storage and treatment.
EBARA HG ULC – pumps, mixers, strainers & filters.
- ANSI/ASME B73.1 Pumps
- API Pumps Centrifugal Pumps
- Solids Handling Pumps
- Submersible Pumps
- Vertical Turbine Vertical Wet Well Pumps
- HydroMix Nozzle Mixing System
- High Shear Mixers
- Hydraulic Ram Mixers
- In-Line Mixers Laboratory Mixers
- Portable Mixers
- Side Entry Mixers
- Static Mixers
- Top Entry Mixers
- Nozzle Mixing
- SIMFLOC Sludge Conditioner
Ecoremedy – fluid lift gasification.
- 90% Mass Reduction of Biosolids, 100% Renewable
- Uses Heat to Dry Biosolids; Does Not Incinerate
- Creates End Product Which is Up To 95% Dry, Class a Biosolids, Which Can Be Used as Sand
Ecoverde – odor control.
- Bioscrubbers
- Carbon Adsorbers
- Compact Odor Control Systems
Encore® – chemical metering pumps.
- Encore® 700 Diaphragm Metering Pump
- Simplex Pumps – Single Head Design on Single Gear Box with Stroke Control
- Duplex Pumps – Two Identical Sized Heads on Single Gear Box with Common Stroke Length Control, and a Direct Drive Arrangement
- Double Simplex Pumps – Offer Two Heads with Two Gear Boxes, Each with Independent Stroke Length Control, and a Common Motor
- It Has Capacities Up To 2500 LPH (660 GPH) and Up To 12 Bar (175 PSI) NSF 61 Certified
Enduro – fiberglass products.
- Tank Covers
- Baffle Wall
- Clarifier Products
Entex – biological systems for complete carbon and nutrient removal, including biological phosphorus and biological nitrogen control.
- Fixed Media Systems (BioWeb) and Moving Media Systems (BioPortz) in Both the IFAS and MBBR Configurations (IFAS)
Environetics – specialized products to solve liquid pollution problems.
- Tank Covers and Baffles
- Floating Covers and Baffles
- Clearwell Baffles
Enviropax – mixing and enhanced settling equipment.
- Tube Settlers
- Mixers
- Decanters
Flottweg Separation – dewatering and thickening of municipal sewage sludge.
- Centrifuges
Fluence – equipment for wastewater packaged wastewater treatment plants.
- Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Plants
- Secondary, Tertiary, and Advanced Treatment
- Reuse
Fluidyne – wastewater treatment technology.
- ISAM™ – Integrated Surge Anoxic Mix
- SAM™ – Surge Anoxic Mix
- SBR – Jet Aeration Classifiers High Efficient Mixing
- Jet MCR™ – Multi-Channel Orbital
- Hydro-Grit™ Grit Vortex Separation
Franklin Miller – size reduction technology involving crushers, shredders, and grinders.
- Grinders
- Crushers
- Shredders
GLASCO – ultraviolet disinfection.
- American Made UV Systems
- Horizontal, Vertical, Flow Through-Fluoropolymer, and Chambered
- Open and Closed Vessel
- High/Low Intensity
- Municipal Drinking
- Replacements and Retrofits
Golden Harvest – aluminum and stainless steel sluice gates for use in water control.
- Sluice Gates: Tapered-Wedge
- Sluice Gates: Fully Wedged
- Slide Gates • Weir Gates
- Level Control Gates
- Radial Gates
- Flap Gates
- Diversion Gates
- Fabricated Valves
- Gate Operation
- Shear Gates
- Tide and Estuary Products
- Wall Thimbles
Gooch Thermal – heat exchangers for anaerobic digester heating and pasteurization applications in municipal wastewater treatment plants.
- Spiral Heat Exchangers
Grande – SSO elimination and CSO reduction/elimination.
- Bending Weirs Replace Actuated Slide Gates Where They are Controlling Level
- Overflow Screen Reduces the Solids That are Sent to Receiving Streams
- Flow Regulators are Designed to Keep a Constant Flow While Being Auto-Unblocking
- Non-Return Flaps Stop Inflow From Their Outfalls or Back Through a System
- Floating Ladder Used to Keep the Rungs of the Ladder Out of the Water for Safety Reasons
Hach (Marsh McBirney) – flow meter product and services – your flow monitoring professionals.
- Flow Meters
- Flow Sensors
- Monitoring Systems
- Flow Monitoring Services
- Flow Data Software
Hallsten – designer and fabricator of aluminum structures, with particular experience in environmental odor control covers, marine gangways, and other spanning structures.
- Lite-Span® Aluminum Covers
- BioFolor (Aerobic Composing Polyethylene Floor System)
Hendrick Screen – screens for water intake and treatment.
- T-Intake Screens
- Drum Screens
- Flat Panels
- Half-Barrel Intake Screens
- Optional Airburst Cleaning Systems
Heron – suspended air® flotation (SAF®) water treatment systems. SAF® is flotation without dissolved air®.
- Algae and Silt Removal
- Biosolids Removal & Thickening
- Enhanced Clarification
- Filtrate Clarification
- Oil/Water Separation
- Primary/Secondary Treatment
- Surface Water Treatment
- Wastewater Reclamation
Hoffman & Lamson – blowers.
- Centrifugal Multistage Blowers
- Engineered Systems
- Parts and Accessories
- Tri-Lobe and Screw Positive Displacement
- Regenerative
- Turbo
- Controls and Energy Management
Howden – single-stage integrally geared compressor and rotary lobe blowers.
- Turblex Single Stage High Efficiency Direct Drive Turbo an Integrally Geared Compressors/Blowers, Aeration Control Systems
- Power Mizer Multistage Cast Centrifugal Blowers
- CubusTurbo Direct Driven Blower
Huber Technology – high quality machines, plants and stainless steel equipment for municipal and industrial water, wastewater and sludge treatment.
- Screens and Fine Screens
- Screenings Treatment
- Grit Separation and Treatment
- Sludge Treatment
- Conveyors
- Flotation
- Storm and Sewer Equipment
- Energy from Wastewater
- Stainless Steel Equipment
INOVAIR – integrally geared turbo blowers.
- Hi Speed Direct Drive Blower
- High Efficiency at Variable Speeds
- Compact Designs
Invent – innovative stirring and mixing technology.
- HYPERCLASSIC® Mixing and Aeration Systems
- High Efficiency Flocculation
John-Cockerill – biological odor control.
- Drinking Water, Waste Water, Industrial Water
- Effluents Re-Use Stripping
- Energy Recovery
- Odor Processing
- VOC Processing
- Biomass Roasting
- Pyrolysis – Incineration
- Regeneration of Activated Carbon
- Process Water
- Water Re-Use
- Bio-methanization
- Sludge Treatment
- Making Use of Energy
JDV Equipment – solids handling and aerobic digestion.
- Shaftless Screw Conveyors
- JDV Level Lodor
Komax – fluids mixing.
- Static Mixers
- Steam Heating
- Heat Exchanger
- Desuperheater
- Custody Transfer Mixer
- Wafer Mixer
- Hi-Pass Mixer
- Channel Mixer
- Sanitary Mixers
KROFTA – dissolved air flotation.
- Multifloat DAF
- Sandfloat SBP
- Air Dissolving Tube
- Krofta Packaged Equipment
Kubota USA – membrane biological reactor system supplier.
- Flat Sheet Membranes – Kubota Submerged Membrane Unit® (SMU)
- Submerged Membrane Biological Reactor (MBR)
- PAD-K (Pre-Thickened Aerobic Digestion)
- Packaged MBR Systems
Lakeside Equipment – equipment for the treatment of municipal and industrial water.
- Screw Pumps
- Grit Removal
- Screening
- Trash Rakes
- Aeration
- Filtration and Clarification
Landia – pumps and mixers.
- Heavy-Duty Chopper Pumps
- Submersible Mixers
- Jet-Aerators
- Axial-Flow-Pumps
- Anaerobic Digester Mixing Systems
MFC – fixed plate cloth media filters.
Mass Transfer Systems (MTS) – jet mixing and aeration systems.
- Jet Aeration
- Jet Mixing
- MTS Aspirator Submersible Aspirator
MIOX – on-site generator for water disinfection.
- Sodium Hypochlorite Generator
- Mixed Oxidant Solution On-Site Generator
MLM Conveying – conveying systems.
- Shafted Conveyors
- Shaftless Conveyors
- Vertical Conveyors
Molear – nanobubble generators transfer any gas into any liquid with near perfect efficiency.
- Bending Weirs Replace Actuated Slide Gates Where They are Controlling Level
- Overflow Screen Reduces the Solids That are Sent to Receiving Streams
- Flow Regulators are Designed to Keep a Constant Flow While Being Auto-Unblocking
- Non-Return Flaps Stop Inflow from Their Outfalls or Back Through a System
- Floating Ladder Used to Keep the Rungs of the Ladder Out of the Water for Safety Reasons
Nefco – fiberglass products to the water and wastewater treatment.
- Launder Covers
- Density Current Baffles
- Weirs and Scum Baffles
- FRP Troughs
- Covers
- FRP Baffle Walls
Newterra – equipment for wastewater aeration and freshwater aeration.
- Aeration and Mixing Equipment
Nuvonic – ultraviolet UV equipment for disinfection, deozonation and dechloramination.
- Closed Vessel Medium Pressure, High Intensity
- Closed Vessel Low Pressure, High Intensity
- Open Channel Low Pressure, High Intensity
Orthos Liquid Systems – nozzle-based filter systems and nozzle products.
- Filter Nozzle Underdrain Systems
Penn Valley Pump (PVP) – positive displacement pumps.
- Double Disc Pumps™
Phoenix – belt filter press and related processes for dewatering, thickening and classification.
- Density Sorting
- Dewatering and Liquid-Solid Separation
- Fines Recovery
- Thickening and Clarification
- Washing, Scrubbing, and Classification
- Aquacell Water Recycling and Water Reuse
Pinnacle Ozone – modular ozone solutions.
- Ozone Generators
- Ozone Systems
- Ozone Solutions
Plasti-Fab – fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) products.
- Gates and Stop Logs
- Flumes
- Packaged Metering Manholes
- Scum Skimmers, Troughs, Launders, Weirs, and Baffles
- Equipment Covers, Shelters
Purafil – air filtration soulutions.
- Biological Air Treater (BAT)
- Deep Bed Scrubber for Odor Control (DBS)
- Manhole Scrubber (MOLE)
- Parallel Bed Scrubber (PBS)
- PB400 Tub Scrubber for Odor Control (TSS)
- Vent Scrubber (VENT)
- Vessel Scrubber (VS) WWT
- Drum Scrubber (DS)
PureAir – high performance air quality solutions.
- Odor Equipment (Drum Scrubber, Vertical and Packed Bed, V-Bank Tank Transition System, Radial Flow, Packaged Filter Unit)
- Absorbent Media
- Media Modules and Filters
- Testing Air Quality
- Test and Replacing Absorbent Media
Putzmeister – systems for transport and storage of coarse sludges and slurries.
- Pumps – High Solids Pumps and Hydraulic Power Packs
- Silo Technology – Silos for Highly dewatered and Viscous Sludges
- Feeding Equipment – Double Auger Feeding Equipment
RPS Engineering Incorporated – cover systems.
- Flat Beam and Truss Supported Aluminum Flat Tank Covers
- Flat Beam and Truss Supported F.R.P. Flat Tank Covers
- Aluminum / Fiberglass Dome Covers
- Aluminum / Stainless / Fiberglass Arched Covers
- Aluminum and F.R.P. Launder Covers
Shand & Jurs – digester gas safety equipment and waste gas burners/flares.
- Digester Cover Equipment
- Digester Gas Stream Equipment
- Expanda-Seal™ Insulation Jackets
- Safety Equipment in Methanol Systems
- “T” Series Touch Screen Control Panel
- Waste Gas Burners and Flares
Skim-Pak – floating skimming.
- Wastewater Treatment, SBR, and MBR
- Industrial Process Water
- Storm Water Treatment
- Decorative Ponds
- Oil Skimming, Foam Skim, Paint Skim, and Debris Skim
Spectrum Water Technology – full suite of dewatering equipment for sale and rent for sludge and grit dewatering and lagoon cleaning services.
SSI – energy-efficient engineered membrane diffusers and biological processes.
- Fine Bubble Diffusers
- Coarse Bubble Diffusers
- Tube Diffusers
- Retrofitting
- Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) processes
Tank Connection – dry bulk, liquid storage tanks and aluminum domes.
- Bolted RTP Tanks
- Hybrid Tanks and Silos
- Field Welded Tanks
- Aluminum Domes
Tenco Hydro (TH) – scum concentration, batch grease processing, sludge thickening, and clarification.
- Dissolved Air Flotation
- Scum Concentrator
- Heated Batch Process Tank
- Coalescing Separator
- Gravity Separator (API)
- Oil Skimmer
- Clari-Pac G Clarifier
The Mastrrr Company – chemical induction mixing systems.
- GAS MASTRRR Submersible Series
- INTRUDRRR Flanged Inline Series
TNE – small footprint, high efficiency compact turbo blowers.
- Compact Turbo Blower
- All Around Turbo Blower
- Standard Blower
- Multi Core Blower
- Screw Blower
Tomorrow Water – improving the efficiencies of wastewater and biosolids treatment, biogas generation, and upcycling of organic waste into valuable end products
Unifilt Corporation (UC) – filter materials systems.
- Filter Media (Anthracite, Greensand, Garnet, Filter Sand, and Gravel)
- Air Scour and Modular Units
- Uni-Liners and Wheeler Balls
Vapex – hydroxyl radical technology using air and electricity to generate ozone in vapor phase to treat odors.
- Use Air and Electricity to Produce Hydroxyl Radical
- Reduce Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations
- Remediates Surface Fats, Oils, and Grease
- Mitigates Microbial Induced Corrosion
Watson Marlow – peristaltic pumps.
- Tube Pumps and Hose Pumps Handle a Broad Range:
- Chemical Metering and Transfer
- Sludge Transfer and Sludge Feed
- Sampling Thickening
- Features:
- Highly Accurate Dosing of Up To ±0.1%
- Self-Priming and Dry Running
- No Moving Parts Coming into Contact with the Product
- Handles Abrasive Sludge with High-Solids Content 100% Accuracy
- Eliminates the Need for Numerous Ancillary Equipment
WesTech – water and wastewater treatment process equipment for municipal and industrial applications.
- Aerators (Water)
- Aerators (Wastewater)
- Clarification
- Dissolved Gas Flotation
- Drive Units
- Filtration
- Iron and Manganese Removal
- Membranes
- Package Treatment Plants (Water)
- Oil / Water Separation
- Residuals Handling
- Thickening
World Water Works – integrating sustainable and renewable water solutions.
Cutting-edge technologies can stand alone or be combined with additional systems, creating a unique solution that specifically meets your standards and goals. These technologies include:
- BIOCOS® — Hybrid activated sludge technology for enhanced nutrient removal — ideal for lagoon upgrades Ideal
- MBBR™ / Ideal IFAS™ — Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) and Integrated Fixed Film Activated Sludge (IFAS) technologies for retrofitting existing facilities for nutrient removal
- DEMON® — Annamox anaerobic granular deammonification process technology
- inDENSE® — Selective sludge wasting technology for improved sludge settleability and nutrient removal optimization
- AvN® — Advanced aeration control technology to optimize total nutrient removal
- Triple A™ Settler— Advanced pre-treatment